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Cost Segregation 101

By James Flannery, CPA

What is a Cost Segregation Study?
A cost segregation study allows real estate owners to break down the capitalized costs of their buildings and identify building costs that would normally be depreciated over a 27 ½- or 39-year period, and instead depreciate them over much shorter periods of time. Non-structural elements of buildings, for example, may be depreciated over five, seven, or fifteen years. It makes sense logically: your carpet isn’t going to last for forty years, why should it depreciate over that period of time?

Why Should You Consider Cost Segregation?
Cost segregation works upon the same principle as most other sound tax planning: by decreasing current income and thereby deferring taxes to a later tax period, you can gain financially due to the time value of money. Put as simply as possible, a tax deduction today is worth more than a tax deduction next year, and worth a great deal more than a tax deduction thirty years from now.

What Does Cost Segregation Mean for Me?
If you own substantial commercial real estate, it could mean hundreds of thousands—if not millions—of dollars in tax deferments. It means a substantial influx in available cash thanks to decreased tax burden: while deferred tax will have to be paid in later years, this essentially amounts to an interest-free loan against money that will need to be paid regardless. Additionally, the law allows property owners to capture depreciation retroactively, as far back as 1987, providing the opportunity for even more substantial tax benefits. Finally, a cost segregation study provides a clear set of documentation in the case of an audit.

If you think Cost Seg is for you, contact Jim Flannery

Business of
The Future Forum

It's no secret that the world is changing faster than ever.  Businesses must adapt in order to thrive.  

Join us on October 17th when we host an interactive program tackling tomorrow's challenges today. 
How can company leaders embrace change?  What are employees looking for and what will matter to your customers?  These are just some of the questions that will be posed and pondered.

With insightful presentations and in-depth discussions with other business owners, this is an event you cannot afford to miss.
MSPC Supports Children's Specialized Hospital
As we continue to celebrate our 75th anniversary, the Firm has made a commitment to supporting Children's Specialized Hospital.

The charity was selected after extensive research to identify an organization that matched the personal interests of the staff and offered a variety of opportunities to get involved and volunteer.

Our kickoff event was held on August 22 during a team building session where we created decor for a luau-themed party for the children and their parents. The decorating took place following an internal training session where we utilized CSH's conference facilities.

This was just the first of many volunteer and fundraising initiatives we will participate in benefiting CSH.

"I'm excited about helping make the day a little better for the kids and parents who visit the hospital. It's great to be able to giveback to the community and to work at a place that values volunteerism."
Virginia Spinelli, MSPC Senior and 
Community Services Chair